As I write this I am still trying to get over the cancellation of the Ohio Star Ball. With so many cancelled competitions this year, the few that were held through the fall brought all of us in the ballroom dancesport community so much joy and hope. Even with safety precautions, getting together to dance again felt normal! And after working and training and practicing all these months, we are all so eager to step onto the competition floor and realize our dance dreams. Like many of you, my nails were polished and my bags were packed. Last week was filled with the final local trainings and my partner and students and I were ready to get on an airplane to Ohio. The anticipation was huge! Sunday's news brought so much disappointment, but we can all agree that health and safety are more important than anything else. And we cannot let our disappointment get in the way of our dance dreams! This will pass and we will all be together dancing again soon. So it it time to shake off the sadness and once again get focused and dedicated to dancing. The next few months will present new challenges as our states and communities work to keep people safe. But we have all learned how to keep training, keep improving, and keep working even with the restrictions. I plan to participate in more online competitions and trainings

and this is worth exploring for all dancers. Don't lose focus. The most important thing is that we keep dancing! Please contact me if I can help as you make your dance plan for the next few months.
Looking forward to seeing you on the screen or on the floor soon ... Deannah